
Got music to share?

The Music section of Hump Day News accepts blind submissions, and reviews some of what it receives. Please read the following notes about the process.

  • All music sharing goes through the ‘submit music here’ button above, which links to a Google Form. Please do not share music via social media messages or emails.

  • We don’t host any music files at the site. Your music needs to be on a commonly used music sharing platform so we can embed for streaming. All the platforms kind of suck, but for ease of use we favor Bandcamp.

  • We can’t write up every piece of music that’s shared with us, though we listen to everything, and might find a way to review it down the road.

  • We rarely do album reviews, mostly writing up tracks, but we will listen to a lot of an album in order to understand the track in context.

  • All these ground rules make our music coverage possible. We can only do so much with the time resources available. If you want to see Hump Day News write up more music, become a contributor. You can write on anything except your own music.

  • Support your music scene, which means supporting fellow artists, venues, and, yes, music blogs, magazines, and journals like Hump Day News too. If you’re coming here for some quick free press and not doing any of the above, what the hell is the point?

  • Tip your bartender.