I Wanna Know

Philly’s Rosali has been releasing records with some serious staying power. Have a listen to 2018’s Trouble Anyway. Rosali’s vocals are spellbinding, at once everyday and exceptional. There’s a smoky, seen-it-all energy that still conveys a sweet tenderness. Shades of Catpower. Shades of Hope Sandoval. Shades of Bonnie Raitt.

Rosali could front a lot of different bands with a lot of different sounds, and they’d all be lucky to have her. But the assembled crew of musical compatriots that she pulls together for Trouble Anyway comes together just right.

The songs sound like standards the first time you hear them, seemingly effortless and immortal. Lyrics roll off the tongue, notes cascade off the fretboard, song after song finds its level like water: it’s as if this album was written by gravity. Our highlighted track “I Wanna Know” is a mysterious little number that’s an open invitation. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

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Bad Influence

