Age Of

Oneohtrix Point Never opens Age Of with the eponymously-titled harpsichord banger “Age Of.” Then shit gets real.

The mood communicates powdered wigs and buggery in French neo-classical salons until the walls start to melt and the floor drops out, sinking you into a 20-foot echo chamber of digital filth. 

It’s a no-brainer dividing line between electronic artists that some can fold IRL instruments into their compositions and some can’t. The latter folks spend all their time surfing the sound waves inside Pro Tools, while the former occasionally brush up against real world textures.

There’s no one way to eat a Reese’s. It’s hard to imagine, though, that testing yourself against reality outside the digital black box doesn’t sharpen your skills. HDN can’t tell if “No Age” is using live keys on “Of Age” or some digital equivalent, but it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck – at least until the walls start to melt.

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Midway Cafe Under SIEGE