Harper Collins Union Strikes Through Groundhog Day

The HarperCollins Union hit Day 62 of its strike on Friday, 3 February 2023.

Just a day earlier the world’s most famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil spotted his shadow.

Will we see eight more weeks of striking? The workers at HarperCollins have reached Day 62 of their strike “for higher pay, a greater commitment to diversifying staff, and stronger union protection.” The strike, authorized in October, comes after months of little progress toward a new contract and a one-day strike in July.

As the year end holidays came and went, the workers at Harper Collins held the line. President and CEO Brian Murray has shown little interest in coming to the negotiating table, and seems more concerned with lobbying authors and agents to side with management. See his open letter to authors and agents back in December.

A mediation commenced on February 1st in an attempt to spur talks. Strikers shared the goals they were striking for at a recent rally:

The latest word from HCU? Hold the line!


Harper Collins Union Wins Tentative Agreement


Harper Collins Union Strike Hits 20 Days